Chesterfield Santa Run Jog Walk 5k & 1500m

Start Time 10:15am 1500m and 10:45am 5k - Run one or both

Provisional Date 

Sunday 21 December 2025

at Queen's Park Cricket Pavilion, Boythorpe Avenue, Chesterfield S40 2ND


 Link to entry will be here:


Entry opens November 2025

The 1.5k course is 3.5 laps around the Cricket pitch. The 5k starts with a lap of the Cricket pitch then just over 4 laps on the outer path of the park  Both races finish in front of the Cricket Pavilion. 

This is a FUN RUN and therefore no finish line timings will be recorded. If competitors wish to record a time then they must do so on their own timing device.